At Childcare Resources, our mission is to ensure young children are receiving quality education to build a strong foundation for life-long learning. We make this possible by providing information, education, and assistance to families, child care providers, and the community.

245,000 children in Alabama live in poverty.

343,000 children in Alabama live in households where their parents lack secure employment, while 408,000 children live in single-parent families.

There are 72,000 young children in Alabama between the ages of 3 and 4 who are not in school and missing out on opportunities for learning crucial to their development.

According to recent Labor Department data, 2.5 million women have left the American workforce since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, largely due to the demands of child care alongside layoffs and furloughs in an economy hit hard by Covid-19.

Last year, Childcare Resources supported more than 500 families in Central Alabama through our programs and services.

230 training sessions with 520 training hours were completed by child care providers, impacting the care provided at more than 150 early care programs in Central Alabama.

Data Source: VOICES for Alabama's Children Alabama Kid's Count Data Book Click Here
Data Source: Childcare Resources 2023-2024 Annual Report Click Here

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